Ministry, Mission & Leadership Consultancies

Ministry, Mission & Leadership Consultancies was set up in 2008 in response to the many calls that Neil received from colleagues and Ministry Leaders from around Australia after he retired in 2007.   “Because of the wide experience that I had gained in many types and areas of ministry, people and Church Councils and Boards were just wanting help in facing the many challenges that were facing them in the complexity of 21st century Ministry and Leadership challenges. So, a completely unique Consultancy program was born with aim of helping Bishops, Ministers, Evangelists and Leadership teams on a mostly cost free basis by not just ‘telling’ but showing and mentoring”.   There is nothing else like it – anywhere!

Contact details:   Neil Flower, 8 Manor Rd. Hornsby NSW.                                     Ph: (61 2) 9018 9224       Fax: (61 2) 9476 5912                                 email: