Books For Christian Growth

Currently there are 5 books on Evangelism, Christian Growth and Discipleship.

The Mission Dimension

An unique book, specially written for ministers, pastors, evangelists and church leaders. Its aim is not to duplicate what others have written on the subject, but to present a step-by-step approach to evangelism beginning at, in and through the local church.

It is absolutely unique, there is absolutely nothing else like this book on the market. It not only includes everything ministers need to motivate themselves, but about one third of the book is made up of appendecies that give step by step information about how to actually ‘do’ the evangelism, thus saving time so that the real job can be done.


Tough Track to Eternity City

A 21st C rewrite of the great classic, “The Pilgrim’s Progress” The story of a man in the 21st C who becomes disturbed by the collapse of morals, attitudes, values and sensibility that is happening all around him, and how he leaves his home town of Fault Line City to go to Eternity City.

The book centres around TRAX man who is a keen 4WD and bush driver. It is hard hitting, pulls no punches and througholy analyses all the ‘isms’ of today and how Christians can face and defeat them. Gritty, gripping and at times perhaps disturbing. Yet it is suitable for those 15 years and over. Your life will not be the same after reading this book. This and its companion volume (see below) are books where you can learn Theology from a novel.


Knowing Where You Are Going

A course of 11 basic studies on becoming and growing as a Christian. It itself is unique in its format, and simple yet hard hitting in its content.


Last Trip To Eternity City

Concluding the ‘TRAX man’ series, this book tells of how TRAX man’s wife Hillary, and his 3 children finally agree to leave Fault Line City to make their trip to Eternity City. Totally different situations and a host of new characters are met in this book. Whereas the first in the series shows the teaching about personal salvation, this book teaches about the church – what it is, why it is and what it should be. Again not a sloppy book, it hits hard and without apology, yet again suitable for those 15 years and over.


Getting To Where You Are Going

In preparation for publication. Another course of 11 studies facing some of the tough issues that Christians must face, but which most other study guides shy away from.


About Face – About Faith

In preparation. A book of sermon outlines for preachers showing them how they can, should and must preach doctrinally as well as expositionally. 30 sermon outlines on the Apostles’ and Nicene Creed, which are definitely not boring! Publication date, September 2022



Finally for all the 4WD enthusiasts, this crazy 4WDing evangelist is preparing a book of bush yarns designed to help the average bloke (and woman) to find Jesus as saviour. Like the author, this one is different. Publication date, approx November 2022